Monday 16 April 2007

Well to say the least i hate this!! i truely belive we all do this too from time to time even if we sit by and watch it happening to someone. At this point i am not gonna talk about school bullying i am talking about the work force. i was told today that this happens everywhere and that my place isnt any different and ok i say WTF is that about are we not all adults are we not all paid to do a job?? ok ok i dont have experiance as this is my first paid job but wow!i never knew untill recently how evil and twisted people can be but worse still how people can just stand by and watch. i say this is just as bad but no im not gonna storm in my office tomorrow and say stop this aint right cause frankly its happening to me already there im not about to make this worse for myself.. i am not stupid..
I watched a program called whistleblower on tv the other week and wish they would get someone in to see what is happening to these people and to myself.
All websites say talk to your manager or HR department but what if your line managers involved to you risk your job and salary or do you sit by and let it happen???
I am not gonna say that anyone in my office is innocent for i am not either but what i am saying is no matter what people do or dont do they do NOT deserve to be bullied.
Did noone notice this before i came to this office??or is it a trainee's role to spot that certain depertments have a high sickness rate for a reason!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will not be a victim and will not suffer.
I hope my colleques come to there senses and tell someone what is happening to them as i dont have the courage on my own but if my name was put forward i would not lie!!
Ernie orbit xxxx

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